What We Do

Working Together

Discover the coaching options for your learning path.


Strengthen your presence with personal stories that create connection, impact, and inspiration. 1:1 coaching is ideal for leaders building their story collection and agility.

Format: One-on-one coaching.


Gather teams for collective coaching, guidance, and peer feedback. Mentoring works best for those who need to sharpen the story of a shared project or mission.

Format: Ideal group size of 3 to 5 individuals.


Foster a culture of stories and a climate of innovation in your organization. Our full 3-month program builds your leadership story culture through workshops, mentoring, and coaching.

Format: Ideal class size of 10 to 12 individuals.


Build your meetings and gatherings with intention. Shape your events with stories and rituals for a stronger connection with the audience.

Format: Flexible depending on your needs.

Fields of Expertise

Discover the areas where we work best.


Great leaders orchestrate a powerful narrative for the perfect audience. It's a captivating dance between purpose and presence. Your words matter — they ignite action, whether you're shaping your company's future or sparking social change in your community


Leading collaborators through uncertainty is exhilarating for some, unsettling for others. Stories bridge that gap. We need compelling stories, rooted in our shared history that can illuminate the path forward with a greater sense of unity and purpose.


In a world where commitments demand genuine leadership, your narrative is fueled by your business, your brand and most importantly your voice. Storytelling for social change weaves humanity and accountability into the numbers and the words of your ambition.


We’ve gathered a few questions for exploring our services.

  • We help people tell stories, specifically their own. It means coaching individuals how to turn life moments into compelling stories with strong messages — for use in life, business, and any place where stories are welcome. We work from individuals to teams across story coaching and workshops options.

  • Personal stories before personal branding — that’s our firm belief! Find your stories, tell them with authenticity and intention, and let those stories become your brand of leadership.

  • While storytelling does involve how a person speaks to an audience, the heart of what we do is not public speaking. Clients come to us with their current communication skills — which we’ll work hard keep — so your stories still sound like you!

  • We love a brand with a great story, but you know your brand better than we ever could. So instead we focus on coaching you about your own stories — those which you can eventually link or use with your brand stories.

  • Your need comes first, after which we work on a plan to close the gap. There are typical time periods that work best: preparing for a high-stakes presentation could be an intensive month of coaching, while working on leadership storytelling skills is about three months and up.

  • Story coaching is a collaborative and creative process, it’s an experience that’s uniquely yours. While we may send links to resources and videos for additional reference, coaching itself is a much more thought-provoking and flexible experience. We’re happy to refer you to e-learning courses and books if this is more your style versus coaching.

  • We work with a mix of leaders and managers who drive a vision, start-ups and non-profits who speak with investors, and technical experts who need to connect better with their audience. Anyone open to being an honest storyteller, really! If that sounds like you, connect with us.

  • We work with clients virtually around the world, and have also returned to running in-person meetings and workshops.

  • Every need is unique, and we’re happy to hear from you at to jump on an exploratory call - no commitments. You can let us know your challenge and we’ll be transparent about letting you know if you need our services or if we have other options and recommendations to make you a stronger storyteller.