Why We Do It

1988, an early start to telling stories.

Life is about connecting the dots: a childhood of books and speeches led to a career with words which became an advocacy for kids, and now a dream to pay it forward.

“It takes a village to raise a storyteller and we’re happy to be part of this village in our own small way.”

That One Little Dot is committed to the next generation of readers and speakers — join us on this meaningful path.

Storytellers of Tomorrow

Our passion extends beyond empowering business leaders, and spills over into the next generation of inspired storytellers: kids.

You are never too young to love stories. We run free story crafting and public speaking workshops for non-profits and schools whose ambitions are in line with our advocacy.

“The children of today grow into the storytellers of tomorrow.”

If you are interested in working together through our children’s story programs, connect with us.

Readers of Today

Our passion for stories began with our own love for books. We believe children who grow up around stories are forever transformed by the worlds they discover.

As a writer, it’s always been a dream to write books where children find themselves reflected in the stories. We know this because we once found ourselves in the pages of a book and grew up to be the storytellers we are today! 

“The more you read, the more you will know. The more you will learn, the more places you will go.”

Coming soon will be more news on the children’s storybooks we will be writing and publishing through That One Little Dot.