Who We Are

About Us

Remember sitting around a campfire?

Maybe you were the storyteller, or perhaps you were the audience. Gathered around the warmth of the fire, you knew this was a place — the place — for stories.

And you still know this today, even if “campfires” have turned into team huddles, career conversations, and crisis meetings (less flickering fire, and more PowerPoint slides).

“Leadership storytelling brings you back to the campfire.“ 🔥

We learn and communicate best through stories because even as leaders, we’re still (big) kids who have never outgrown the primal power of a good narrative.

We're all storytellers at heart, yearning to make others care.

See you at the campfire.

Story Coach

Carmel Valencia Indrawan is a loud introvert, a tiny girl with a big voice for stories. She’s an advocate for leadership storytelling and founded That One Little Dot to fuel her two great loves: a professional passion for coaching business leaders to be the storytellers of today, and a personal purpose for inspiring children to be the storytellers of tomorrow.

She has two decades of experience both as a corporate leader and as an entrepreneur, including 16 years in the world’s largest beauty company across local, regional, and global positions in HR and Communication.

Carmel is a published writer, former competitive public speaker, and a graduate of improv theatre. Her love for written and spoken word sits alongside her passion for children’s education and the art of origami.

Her life has been shaped by every city she has called home: Manila, Singapore, Shanghai, Paris, and now Jakarta.