We help inspired leaders tell their personal stories.

That One Little Dot coaches individuals to drive leadership messages with the power of a personal story. We believe in great stories — let’s tell yours.

Leadership through your stories.

That One Little Dot champions the wild hope that leaders continue telling personal stories — even in a business context, and especially in a business context.

We work on your story agility: how to find, shape, and share stories when and where it matters most, all in an effort to drive connection, clarity, and call-to-action.

Every story is about connecting the dots, and it all starts with that one little dot.

Meeting you in your journey.

Our story coaching is focused on personal development and helping you find your voice as a storyteller.


Craft your own narrative edge through story coaching. Learn how to tailor your storytelling for important keynotes or for your leadership presence and impact.


Teams thrive when they have a safe space to experiment with stories. Mentoring sessions are are key for a group of individuals who need to craft the story of a shared project or mission.


Empower storytelling across your organization. Deepen and nurture the culture of stories through training workshops and our follow-through sessions.


Reimagine connection and the way you bring individuals together. Build meaningful bridges across virtual, in-person, and hybrid gatherings through the use of storytelling.

“Give yourself permission to make the story bigger.”


Let’s chat.

It’s not always easy to take the first step, but hey — every story starts with that one little dot, or in this case maybe that one little e-mail.

Our Privacy Notice can be found here.